Privacy and cookies

Privacy Notice

In this page, we describe extensively the Processing of users’ personal data in relation to the management of this Website. “Processing” shall mean any procedure of collection, registration, retention, alteration, communication, deletion, and disclosure of personal data.

In compliance with the Italian Legislative decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003 – “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali” [“Personal Data Protection Code”] we are required to provide users with essential information about the Processing. EMN Research Italy s.r.l. i.s. ( fully complies with every provision of the aforementioned Codice, and aims to provide in this notice all the necessary information about procedures and purposes regarding the processing of personal data, their communication and disclosure, the nature of data acquired by us and their potential disclosure.
Other than being provided in compliance with the Section 13 of the Legislative decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003 –  “Personal data protection Code”, this notice has also been developed in conformance with the guidelines included in the Directive No. 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995, in order to identify minimal requirements for the collection of online personal data, and especially to identify the procedures, the terms and the nature of all the information that the Owner must deliver to the users connected to this Website, regardless of the reason of connection. This notice is delivered to any users interacting with any web services provided by our Website and made accessible online through our official homepage at the link

Quality of collected data
Web browsing data

As is common knowledge, IT systems and software procedures adopted for the functioning of this Website collect, during their usual course of operation, personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. Such information is not collected in order to be associated to specific individuals; but, due to its own nature, it could allow to identify users through processing operations and associations with data belonging to third parties.
These categories of data include IP addresses or domain names of users’ personal computers (PCs) connecting to the Website, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of resources required, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the file size obtained in reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and the users. These data are used only to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of this Website and to check its correct functioning. These data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against this Website: except for this possibility, these data are stored merely for a period of time needed for the purposes for which they were collected. The personal data provided by users who access to these e-services shall not be disclosed or forwarded to third parties, unless such disclosures are required in compliance with all the applicable EU laws, rules and regulations.


Cookies are small pieces of information included in text files that web servers send to the user’s browser, which stores them and sends them back to the same websites at the next visit. These files can include some personal information about users. Cookies allow the website to record users’ activities and preferences; they help in analyzing interactions between the individual user and the website, and in facilitating a stable and customized exploration of its contents.

In his provisions, dated May 8, 2014, the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (the Italian Data Protection Authority) classifies cookies on the basis of their purposes: Technical cookies, Profiling cookies, and Analytics cookies.

Technical cookies allow web browsing and help in providing services requested by users. They are not used for further purposes and are usually installed directly by the Website’s publisher or by the manager. Without these cookies, some operations could not be accomplished or would be more complicated and/or less safe, such as home banking  (consultation of statements of accounts, bank transfers, invoice payments, etc.), for which cookies are essential in keeping on user session identifications.

Profiling cookies are used to track users’ browsings and create profiles with their behaviors, habits, choices, etc. Thanks to these cookies, it is possible to send promotional information compatible with the preferences expressed by the same user during the online exploration.

Analytics cookies are useful to collect information on the use of the Website in order to develop technical- or marketing-oriented statistical analyses.

In his provisions, dated May 8, 2014, the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (the Italian Data Protection Authority) clarified that Analytics cookies may be equated to Technical cookies insofar as they are used directly by the Owner in order to optimize the Website, collecting aggregate information on the number of visitors and the pattern of visits to the Website.

In these terms, Technical cookies and Analytics cookies are subject to the same regulations about information disclosure and consent.

Other information about cookies

Under a technical perspective and independently from the purposes of use, cookies can also be classified in:

Proprietary cookies: generated directly by the publisher’s website.

Third-party cookies: generated by other websites through contents or services hosted by or used by the publisher’s website.

Session cookies: temporary cookies that disappear from the computer when the user leaves the visited website or closes the browser.

Permanent cookies: they are stored permanently on the user’s computer (and are not deleted when the browser is closed) until they expire or are deleted by the user. Their expiration date is determined by the website that initiates them. They are often used to track user habits, so that when the user revisits the website, the latter recognizes stored information and adapts to the user’s preferences.

Web Beacons. Webpages and HTML e-mails may embed small “objects” or code fragments defined as web beacons. In their simpler configuration, Web beacons allow a website to transfer or collect information through a query activated by a graphic image. Websites can use Web Beacons for various purposes, such as analyses of the use of websites, management activities, reports about advertisement, customizations of promotional material and contents.

Other technologies similar to cookies

Regulations about the use of cookies concern all the similar technologies, such as Web Beacons, Web Bugs, Clear GIFs, or other technologies that need to be encompassed in these very provisions since allowing the identification of users or their devices.

Data voluntarily supplied by the user

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of one’s own e-mail address through the website involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address, necessary to respond to requests, and any other personal data included in the message. If not otherwise specified in the specific summary information, these data are merely collected in order to manage the services provided or the information requested, and they are stored for an adequate and appropriate period of time.
A specific privacy notice is included in web pages dedicated to particular services requesting the users to provide personal data (through a form).

Cookies Policy

The website uses proprietary and third-party Technical cookies and Analytics cookies.

Technical cookies are used by this website in order to transmit session IDs for the authentication and the safe exploration of the Website.

The use of these cookies allows users to avoid the use of other IT techniques that are potentially dangerous for the users’ browsing privacy, and allows browsing according to a set of selected criteria.

By means of the website, EMN Research Italy s.r.l. i.s. does NOT use profiling cookies and cookies monitoring users’ surfing behavior in order to publish advertisement based on interests revealed by users during their browsings of the website.

This Website uses different types of cookies

On our Website, we use two different types of cookie –– session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are temporary cookies that are stored in your computer’s memory until the browser is closed. Persistent cookies remain in your computer’s memory for a longer period of time or until you delete it manually (the period of time a cookie remains in your computer depends on its “vital duration” and on your browser preferences).

Cookies used on our website

If necessary, further information is available clicking on the following URLs (on the right side of the table below):

Type of cookie: Necessary Cookies
What is their purpose? Necessary cookies are essential for the proper functioning of our Website, allowing visitors to browse it and to take advantage of its features. For instance, the memorization of previous actions (inserted texts) whenever the user comes back to a previous page during the same session.
Do they collect my data/do they identify me? No. Necessary cookies do not identify you as an individual. If you do not accept these cookies, this could affect the proper functioning of this Website or of some of its sections.

Type of  cookie: Performance Cookies
What is their purpose? They help us in understanding how users interact with our website, providing information about the visited sections, the time passed exploring the website, and any sort of issue that might have occurred, for instance an error message. This helps us in improving the performance of our Website.
Do they collect my data/do they identify me? No. Performance cookies do not identify you as an individual. All data are collected anonymously.

Do we use third-party cookies?

When you visit our Website, you might receive cookies coming from third-party sites or domains. We put effort into identifying these third-party cookies before they are used, so that you are able to decide whether to accept it or not. Further information about this type of cookie may conceivably be available on the related third-party website.

How to control and delete cookies

Most Internet browsers are initially set up to accept cookies automatically. You can change these settings to block cookies or to be informed whenever a cookie will be sent to your device. There are many ways to manage cookies. We ask you to consider the instruction manual or the browser guide to understand how to control or modify your browser settings. If you disable the cookies that we use, this could affect your experience during the exploration of our Website. If you use different devices to visualize and enter our website (i.e. computers, smartphones, tablets), you should be sure that every browser on every device is set up according to your preferences about cookies.

Further specific information

Session/temporary coookies: these cookies are deleted from your device as you log off from our Website.
Permanent/persistent cookies: these cookies are not deleted from your device as soon as you log off from our Internet website; they remain on your device for a longer period of time.

For further information you can consult the following page:

To manage or delete cookies, see

To unsubscribe yourself from behavioral advertising lists:

Types of Cookies What is their purpose? For how long are they stored on your device? Additional information
Analytics cookies / Tracking cookies They are used to collect anonymous and aggregated information regarding your browsings and activities within our Website and other websites. Persistent, session and third-party cookies Our Website uses the following Analytics cookies:
Google Analytics: more info>

Social media and sharing cookies They allow you to share comments, reviews, pages, and bookmarks, and they help you in accessing easily to social media and other social technologies online. Third-party cookies Add This: more info>
Facebook Connect: more info>
Facebook social plug-ins: more info>
Twitter Buttons: more info>
Twitter Badge: more info> 
YouTube: more info>
LinkedIn: more info>
Pinterest: more info>
Google+: more info>
Flickr: more info>
 Other cookies They support many different functionalities of our Website. Persistent, session and third-party cookies Google Maps: more info>

Lack of disclosure

In addition to what has been specified above about the web browsing data and in the Cookie Policy about cookies, the User shall be free to supply his/her personal data completing queries and/or forms in order to request services and/or information from the website.

If the User does not supply his/her personal data, it might be impossible to fulfill the request.

Procedures and purposes of data processing

Personal data of every user of this Website and of any of the aforementioned types, except as otherwise specified in the proper acquisition notices, could be used for:
- allowing the exploration of our Website’s public pages;
- replying to requests sent to the e-mail addresses published on the Website;
- collecting anonymous statistical information sent to the e-mail addresses published on the Website;
- extracting anonymous statistical information about the Website use (i.e. analyses about the most visited pages)
- extracting anonymous statistical information on geographical origins of page requests;
- checking the proper functioning of the Website;
- verifying responsibilities in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the website.

Personal data of users who register to the Website shall be treated not only for the purposes mentioned above but also for other purposes related to the services provided, and especially for:
- processing user registrations for the services provided;
- allowing the exploration through the reserved pages of our website;
- calculating commercial statistics, performing market and behavioral studies in aggregated form;
- performing customer care related operations;
- performing projection related operations;
- complying with legal requirements and contractual provisions.

Only under your explicit consent, your personal data will be eventually managed by EMN Research Italy s.r.l. i.s. for:
- surveys, polls and market studies; also through personal or phone interviews, questionnaires, etc.;
- editorial or informational activities (newsletters), promotion and sale of other products and/or services realized by EMN Research Italy s.r.l. i.s. or by third parties operating in fields directly related to the typologies of performances and services already provided, also through automated systems (such as e-mails, SMSs, and so on).

Data communication and disclosure

In accordance with the aforementioned purposes and upon written notice to third parties in compliance with all applicable EU laws, rules, and regulations, we will be allowed to disclose data in Italy or abroad to any third parties that conduct data analyses with statistical purposes and to any third parties charged by the Owner with the maintenance of this website.

Registered users’ personal data can be disclosed to other subjects charged by the Owner with the conduct of services available in this Website.

No personal information acquired by the WEB service shall be disclosed.

Every communication and disclosure shall be conducted in conformance with the aforementioned purposes of the Processing.

Mandatory or discretionary nature of data disclosure

Except as specifically set forth by the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (the Italian Data Protection Authority) regarding cookies, no consent will be requested to users in order to be able to explore non-reserved webpages, since all the necessary private data are automatically and implicitly provided into the TCP/IP protocol adopted by the Internet.

The acceptance of the services provided by EMN Research Italy s.r.l. i.s. by means of its Website following the free user’s browsing of the Website or the subscription to the services provided (such as the transmission of e-mails to the addresses reported in this Website) is voluntary and discretionary. The lack of disclosure of personal information required for the provision of services or the refusal to consent to their processing shall imply the impossibility to subscribe and to use the service required by the user.
As required by the Section 13 of the Legislative Decree no. 196/03 of 30 June 2003 (Personal Data Protection Code), in case of an eventual provision of further data for the acquisition of supplementary services, the person concerned shall be provided with appropriate information on the purposes and methods of the Processing; on the mandatory or discretionary nature of data transfer; on the consequences of the lack of provision; on the data subjects or category/categories  of  data  subjects  whose data can be disclosed, and on the context of disclosure of those very data; on the rights under the Section 7 of the Legislative Decree no. 196/03 of 30 June 2003 (access, integration, update, amendment, deletion for law infringement,  objection to the processing, etc.), on the identity and location of the Owner or of the person(s) in charge of the Processing. The interested party is then requested to express its informed consent, freely and specifically, which is documented in the form prescribed by law. If the provision of personal data takes place in successive stages, additions to the guidelines already declared beforehand may be provided, and eventual new consents to the Processing, as required by the Code, can be requested.

Place of data processing

The processing operations connected to the web services offered by this website take place at the operational headquarters in via Donizetti 24 - 10126 Torino (Italy) and are only handled by qualified staff in charge of the Processing.
If needed, data related to the services provided may be handled by the staff of other companies that are responsible for the maintenance of the technological aspects of the Website. This staff shall process data in its own operational headquarters, in the role of Owner, and in compliance with all the applicable laws.

Expected duration and procedures of Data Processing

In relation to the purposes of the present notice, personal data are processed with automated tools, by specifically appointed staff, for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected, and in full conformance with every precautionary measure that may safeguard their safety, their privacy, and the full compliance with all the applicable laws.

Specific safety measures are observed in order to prevent the loss of data, illegal or improper uses, and unauthorized accesses. For further information, we wish to inform you that the provision of personal data is mandatory insofar as they are used for the fulfillment of contractual and/or legal obligations by our own social company.

Rights of the subjects involved

The subjects to whom the data refer have the right at any time to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data relating to him or her exist, to know their content and origin, to verify their accuracy or request their integration, update, or amendment (Section 7 of the Legislative Decree no. 196/03 of 30 June 2003 – Personal Data Protection Code). Pursuant to this Section, subjects to whom the data refer shall have the right to request cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, and to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, to their processing.
In order to exercise their predetermined rights, Subjects shall submit their requests to the Owner in writing by registered mail or by e-mail, addressed as set forth below:

Owner and Data Controller

EMN Research Italy Impresa Sociale srl
Via Saluzzo 1/A
10126 Torino - Italy

Cookies management
Technical cookies

Technical cookies allow web browsing and help in providing services requested by users. They are not used for further purposes and are usually installed directly by the Website’s publisher or by the manager. Without these cookies, some operations could not be accomplished or would be more complicated and/or less safe, such as home banking (consultation of statements of accounts, bank transfers, invoice payments, etc.), for which cookies are essential in keeping on user session identifications.

Analytics cookies

Analytics cookies are useful to collect information on the use of the Website in order to develop technical- or marketing-oriented statistical analyses.


This website uses cookies to improve your browsing experience. By continuing to browse this website, you agree to our use of cookies. Read the privacy policy